There are two parts to belief in Astrology or by extension one's ability to influence the future.
- The first is that an understanding of rules of astrology can provide an indication of events in the future or changes, which can be predicted. - also called as Fate.
- The second is that such an awareness allows us make changes or control Fate.
Ie , enhance propensity for success by enhancing enabling factors.
Now, the above makes sense, if the factors are visible and in the present continuous. Ie, ones knowledge, skills, relationships, wealth, health and equanimity.
However, if the above factors are outside of one's control and determined largely by others or by accident of birth or need an investment of a life time, than it is a bit strange that we can influence other actions via astrology.
The problem with astrology is not that it indicates, people can be classified into behavioral patterns. Modern psychology too, attempts to classify people into personality types.
The inclination of people, who believe in Astrology / Fate and continue to discount the experiences of the individual in shaping their decisions and actions is the problem.
As a person, I am the sum total of experiences over my life - parents, environment, location, family and society included. This is unique to every individual, hence, no two people will react exactly the same. In a continuum of reactions, yes, but not in every single point.
Since the continuum is multiple dimensions, matching a few variables to indicate behavioral patterns - is a case of poor scientific method / or bad reasoning.
Faith in astrology and belief that fate can be controlled is probably an indication of a need for independence and faith in ones on ability to live. Hence , the first duty of every parent to make ones offspring - emotionally and financially independent.
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